Subject: Urgent Appeal for sanctions on Ethiopia’s civil War

February 29, 2024

President of the United Nations Security Council
The United Nations Security Council
The United Nations Headquarters
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA

Subject: Urgent Appeal for Sanctions on Ethiopia’s Civil War
Dear President of the United Nations Security Council,

I am writing to you as a concerned regional citizen and politician as the Chair of the Somali People’s Party to urgently draw your attention to the dire situation unfolding in Ethiopia. The ongoing civil war in Ethiopia not only poses a grave threat to the safety and security of the region but also has the potential to escalate into a large-scale regional conflict, putting the stability of neighboring countries at risk, that prompted me to implore the United Nations Security Council to take immediate action by imposing comprehensive sanctions on the procurement of military facilities, weapons, ammunition, and other lethal military equipment by Ethiopia.

This is necessary to prevent the further escalation of violence, which not only endangers the lives of innocent civilians but also fuels the arming of local criminals and regional terrorists, thereby jeopardizing the stability of the entire region, and therefore, creating a volatile situation that could have far-reaching consequences for the entire Horn of Africa.

The increasing infighting among armed groups representing various ethnicities, coupled with the Ethiopian government forces’ actions against its own people, has resulted in a dangerous proliferation of arms. The situation, if left unaddressed, could lead to catastrophic consequences for the Horn of Africa region, with the potential for the conflict to spill over into neighboring countries such as Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, and Djibouti.

The looming famine and the atrocities being committed in the Ethiopian civil war, especially in the Oromia, Amharic, Somali, and Tigrayan provinces, rise to undeterred killings that resemble a slow genocide. Notwithstanding, the Ethiopian regime’s actions are extending beyond its borders, by threatening violence to its neighbors.

The United Nations Security Council must act swiftly to implement an arms embargo on the Ethiopian regime to mitigate the suffering of the Ethiopian people and prevent further destabilization of the region, before it is too late that the conflict may soon spill over into Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, and Djibouti, leading to catastrophic consequences for the entire region.

I highly appreciate your immediate attention to this urgent matter and trust that the United Nations Security Council will take immediate and decisive action to address the urgent and critical situation in Ethiopia.

Dr. Said Mohamud
Chair of the Somali People’s Party

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