Appeal for Nobel Prize Nomination: Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Subject: Appeal for Nobel Prize Nomination: Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

The Nobel Foundation Sturegatan 14 P. O. Box 5232 SE-102 45 Stockholm, Sweden

Date: February 8, 2024

Dear Members of the Nobel Foundation,

I am writing on behalf of the Somali People’s Party to earnestly appeal to your esteemed organization to consider Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the President of Somalia, as a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has displayed remarkable dedication and courage in his efforts to eradicate corruption, combat power abuse, and promote peace and democracy within his nation.

Under Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s leadership, Somalia has witnessed a commendable reduction in corruption and a steadfast commitment to the principles of good governance. His unwavering determination to foster peace and democratic values has been evident in the face of considerable challenges, including confronting extremist elements that pose a threat to the peace and stability of the region. Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has, on numerous occasions, risked his own life in the pursuit of safeguarding the fundamental rights of the Somali citizens to live in peace and under a democratic rule of governance.

Furthermore, Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has been a vocal critic of the abuse of power, exemplified by the actions of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia. His outspoken stance against violations of international treaties and the respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Somali nation underscores his commitment to upholding the principles of justice and fairness on the global stage.

Despite facing threats to the sovereignty of his country, which strained relations with neighboring Ethiopia, Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has tirelessly worked towards normalizing these relations. His diplomatic efforts aim not only to restore good neighborly relations but also contribute to the overall stability of the Horn of Africa.

In conclusion, we sincerely believe that Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is a deserving candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, given his exceptional leadership, commitment to peace, and efforts to establish democratic governance in the Horn of Africa. We kindly request the Nobel Foundation to consider our appeal and contribute to the recognition of Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s significant contributions to the cause of peace and democratic governance.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Dr. Said Mohamud
Chairman of the Somali People’s Party

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