The forth to 7th July 2018 should open big conference CHINA-AFRICAN CONFERENCE FOR SUSTANTAINABLE COOPERATION ON ECONOMIC COOPERATION STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATIONshould participate officials from China and Africa.
.This conference should focus the mechanism to reinforce and sustainable cooperation between china and Africa especially economic though china government lastly engaging investment and cooperation to Africa countries.
It is not first time to convene China and Africa and these last year’s Chinese government boost how African continent should have economic base and china become more engaged than others while African people trust the Chinese strategy that to develop African continent..
This meeting also would attend business personal from Africa and china and the two sides would discuss how the Chinese government should invest largely infrastructure of African continent.
As well as this meeting invited big companies from Europe, USA Africa Arab Countries and Asia in order to aware more the system of Chinese investment African continent and strong cooperation between China and Africa
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